Monday, February 21, 2011

They Were All Over a Blowjob...

...Vince Foster, the Clinton health care bill, Hillary's presidential campaign.

Yet, suddenly, this doesn't merit a single mention in the permanently supine corporate mainstream media.

To those of you who've been closely following the war in Iraq, you couldn't have helped hearing the name of Ray McGovern at least a couple of times a year. McGovern was a senior intelligence analyst who'd worked at Langley for 27 years and has been protesting our foreign policy for close to two decades.

Six days ago, McGovern attended a speech by Secretary of State Hillary Clinton at George Washington University. Like a bodyguard, McGovern silently stood with his back to Secretary Clinton wearing a "Veterans For Peace" tee shirt with a dove on it while she excoriated the governments of Bahrain, Egypt, Iran and Libya for brutally quashing dissent. Then the real thing pounced on McGovern. A large man in plainclothes jumped the 71 year-old McGovern and a cop soon joined the fray. They then dragged McGovern somewhere and beat him where no one could see it.

Yes, this was right after Clinton serenely watched the incident without comment and then piously condemned the brutal suppression of dissent. The ultimate in irony, it was the Obama administration's "Don't Tase me, Bro!" moment.

So how come it's up to minor leaguers like Amy Goodman, Alex Jones, Tom Degan and yours truly to bring attention to this latest example of police brutality? Yet if you were to do a Google News search using the keywords "Ray McGovern, beaten", you'll find not a single mention about it by the MSM. Alex Jones, for instance, posted a 22+ minute-long video of the incident and used CNN footage to start the segment. Yet CNN, as with the rest of the warmongering MSM, chose not to report on it.

That gives rise to yet another irony: The sign on the podium before Clinton said, "Internet Freedom", which can be extended to mean the internet is free to report on McGovern's beating since the mainstream media suddenly found Hillary Clinton to be very unsexy.

Just as the Obama Justice Department has put together a shadow judicial system designed solely to protect war criminals of all political stripes, the mainstream media are just as complicit as the federal courts in shielding the American public from any meaningful dissent against whichever administration is momentarily in power. And, in McGovern's case, the beatings all too often take place offcamera.

So Hillary Clinton is now at last one of the Untouchables while peaceful protesters like McGovern, who was not throwing rocks, loudly demanding Clinton's resignation, setting fire to anything, looting from anyone, gets roughed up and charged with "turning his back on the Secretary of State."

Is turning your back on a Cabinet official a crime all of a sudden? Is wearing a certain tee shirt now enough to get you ejected from a building, arrested and charged with non crimes? Since the Bush administration, that's been abundantly proven.

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